Saturday, December 04, 2010

Teaching Paperless Means Not Paying For Things You Don't Have To

Thanks to the hard work and research of folks like Richard Byrne at Free Technology for Teachers, you have more free resources at your disposal than you could possibly imagine and you really don't have to pay for stuff like what's pictured in the screenshots below just to 'teach paperless':

[Subscribers: visit if you can't see the pics.]

1 comment:

  1. Holy crap! That's a lot of money that doesn't need to be spent. I don't know a lot about Webinspiration but it appears that the same things could be accomplished with a free Google account. Don't want to go the Google route? Try Zoho, Posterous, Scribblar, Board 800, or a quick search for free alternatives.

    Shelly, thank you for the plug.



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